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Market Milk

Compiled by: - Mr. Prince



Q. Which enzyme hydrolyses lactose?

A. Beta Galactosidase


Q. Lactose is made up of ____and glucose?

 A. Galactose


Q. Lecithin and sphingomyelin are _____?

 A. Phospholipids


Q. The fat portions that contribute most to flavor are _____?

 A. Short chain fatty acids



Q. Which acid is the most abundant unsaturated fatty acid in milk?

A. Oleic


Q. ______constitutes about 6% of the protein in milk?



Q. Caseins exist in milk as a _______?

 A. Colloidal suspension


Q.______ increases the water holding limit of whey proteins?

A. Denaturation


Q. ________is not coagulated by rennet or acids?

A. Alpha lactalbumin


Q. Colostrum is rich in ______?

 A. Immunoglobulin


Q. Milk is a poor source of vitamin ____?

 A. C


Q. Human milk contains ten times more _____than cow milk?

A. Lactoferrin


Q. What is the richest known source of lysozyme?

A. Egg white


Q. Lactoferrin exhibits ______ properties due to chelation of iron?

A. Antibacterial


Q. Vitamin ______ aids in the absorption of calcium?

 A. D


Q. Organisms belonging to genus ______ are normally thermoduric?

A. Bacillus


Q. Yersinia enterocolitica is a ______ organism?

A. Pathogenic


Q. Mycotoxins are produced by ______?

A. Molds


Q. ______ produced by Pseudomonas sp. cause spoilage in UHT treated milk?

A. Enzymes


Q. Thermophilic bacteria can grow at temperatures as high as ______°C?

 A. 55


Q. ______ is a very rich source of immunoglobulins?

A. Colostrum



Q. CLAs are known for their ______ properties?

 A.  Anti carcinogenic


Q. ______ has an important role in synthesis of brain cells?

A. Galactose


Q. ______ encourages growth of lactobacilli in the large intestine?

A. Lactose


Q. ______ are vital constituents of brain and nervous tissues?

A. Phospholipids


Q. Agitation of milk must be adequate for______?

A. Homogenous mixing


Q. The normal milk storage capacity of a dairy plant is ______?

A. One day`s intake


Q. The capacity of silo should be ______?

A. more than 30000 liters


Q. For effective filtration of milk, the filter material should have a pore size of_____?

 A. 25-100 microns


Q. The process which removes leucocytes, udder tissues, other large cells and fine dirt from milk is ______?

A. Clarification


Q. The usual temperature of preheating of milk is ______?

 A. 35-40°C


Q. The means for removing large sized particles and foreign materials from milk is______?

A. Straining


Q. The protein content of clarifier slime is ______?

A. 25%


Q. The rate of separation of milk is determined by ______?

A.  Stokes’ law


Q. The average specific gravity of skim milk is ______?

A. 1.036


Q. When a mass is made to revolve in a circular path around its axis, a kind of force is generated which is called as ______?

A. Centrifugal force


Q. The ideal temperature for separation is ______?

A. 35- 45°C


Q. The separators which have the ability of removing the solid material of dirt without interruption of the separation process is known as ______?

A. Desludging separators


Q. The space between the discs of cream separator is ______?

A. 0.3 to 1.0 mm


Q. The number of disc in a cream separator may range from ______?

A. 10-250


Q. The rpm of disc bowl in a cream separator is ______?

 A. 5500-6000


Q. The clogging of cream separator takes place if the fat content in cream is above ______?

A. 55-60%


Q. The angle of inclination of bowl disc in a cream separator is ______?

 A. 45-600


Q. The most commonly used process of standardization in the dairies is ______?

A. Batch Process


Q. Adjustment of one or more of the milk constituents to a nominated level is called as ______?

A. Standardization


Q. The main objective of standardization is ______?

 A. To comply to the legal requirements


Q. The common method employed for standardization is ______?

A. Pearson’s square method


Q. The only physical process of removing bacteria and spores from milk is ______?

A. Bactofugation


Q. Bactofugation process is mainly useful in preparation of ______?

A. Cheese


Q. The sludge that comes out from the bactofuge is called ______?

A. Bactofugate


Q. The process of sterilization of bactofugate is called as ______?

A. Convap


Q. The temperature employed for inactivation of spores and other bacteria in Bactotherm process is ______?

A. 130°C


Q. The process in which fat globules in milk are broken down to a size small enough to prevent the formation of a cream layer is called ______?

A. Homogenization


Q. What is the size of the fat globules does not rise to the top of the milk during stored condition?

A. Less than 2 µ


Q. The Homogenization causes the ______?

A. Increase in the whitening power in coffee cream


Q. One of the problem to be faced for the returned homogenized milk is______?

A. Salvaging of fat


Q. A widely accepted microscopic method for determining the efficiency of homogenization is ______?

A. Farral Index


Q. Up to what percentage of fat in milk, can single stage of homogenization be used ______?

A. 6%


Q. In routine the temperature employed for homogenization of milk is ______?

A. 65-70°C


Q. The pressures maintained in double stage homogenizers are ______?

A. 2000 psi and 500 psi


Q. The device in which milk is subjected to high frequency vibration is called a ______?

A. Sonic vibrator


Q. Homogenizing increases the whitening power of milk due to ______?

A. Increase of surface area of fat globules


Q. The size of fat globules which prevents formation of cream layer and increases the surface area is ______?

A. Less than 2 microns


Q. Homogenized milk may develop dark sediment at the bottom of the container after ______?

A. 24 hrs


Q. Due to break up of clumps, the bacterial count in milk after homogenization may be ______?

A. Increased


Q. The main objective of the pasteurization is to inactivate the ______?

A. Pathogens


Q. The Q10 factor for inactivation of bacteria is ______?

A. 9-13


Q. Longer residence times at temperatures above 100°C can lead to formation of ______?

A. Complex compounds between lactose and casein


Q. The vitamin losses at above 100°C is ______?

A. 20-30%


Q. Thermization of raw milk in order to stabilize its quality during longer storage by in activating ______?

A. Psychotropic microorganisms


Q. The time in minutes necessary at a specific temperature to reduce the number of organisms to 1/10 of the original value is ______?

A. D value


Q. The increase in reaction when the temperature raised to 1000 C is called as

A. Q10 value


Q. Q10 value for Geo Bacillus stearothermophilus is ______?

A. 13.3


Q. An increase in temperature necessary for obtaining the same lethal action at 1/10th of the time is ______?

A. Z-value


Q. At the temperature 110-1250C range, the rate of spore destruction of Bacillus sterothermophilus increases about 11 times for each 100C rise in temperature, then the Q10 value is ______?

A. 11


Q. Heating every particle of milk to at least 63°C for 30 min. or 72°C for 15 seconds or to any temperature-time combination and immediately cooled to ______?

A. 5°C


Q. The inactivation temperature of T.B bacilli in 15 Seconds is______?

A. 70°C


Q. The thermal death point of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is slightly higher than that for inactivation of ______?

A. Lipase


Q. Pasteurization will not destroy ______?

A. Bacterial toxins


Q. The inactivation temperature of Phosphotase enzyme in 15 Seconds is______?

A. 78°C


Q. The process of heating milk to a minimum of 62.7°C for minimum 30 min and rapid cooling to 4°C is called as ______?



Q. The approximate space maintained between the plates by a non-absorbent rubber gasket is ______?

A. 3mm


Q. In HTST pasteurization the un-pasteurized milk will pass through the ______?



Q. The normal pressures maintained in the HTST system are for pasteurized milk is ______?

A. 15 psi


Q. The process of heating milk to a minimum of 72°C for minimum 15 Seconds and rapid cooling to 4°C is called as ______?




Q. The heat transfer surface of heat exchanger plates is ______?

A. 0.2-0.4 m2


Q. The plates which are installed between the plate assemblies of the individual sections and separate them from each other are ______?

A. Connecting plates


Q. The pressure in heating section of HTST system is ______?

A. 12-13 psi


Q. The space between the two plates of plate heat exchanger is ______?

A. 3 mm


Q. How can you achieve the capacity of plate heat exchanger______?

A. Increasing the number of plates


Q. The test is carried out to determine whether milk has been properly pasteurized or not is ______?

A. Alkaline Phosphatase


Q. The process of heat treatment under vacuum in stainless steel chamber is known as ______?

A. Vacreation


Q. The vacuum maintained in the pasteurizing chamber in which maintains a corresponding temperature of 90-96°C is ______?

A. 10-23 cm Hg


Q. Name the equipment used for vacuum pasteurization?

A. Vacreator


Q. What is the temperature employed for Sterilized milk?

A. Above 100°C


Q. How much percentage loss of vitamin C in sterilized milk is ______?

A. 30%


Q. What is the package material used for preparation of sterilized milk?

A. Bottles


Q. Which type of caps are used for sterilized milk package?

A. Crown cork caps


Q. What is the typical temperature-time combination for UHT milk?

A. 132 degree Celsius for not less than 1 sec


Q. What is the major disadvantage of UHT milk?

A. Age gelation


Q. Sterilization by milk into steam is known as ______?

A. Infusion


Q. What is used in the suitable heating for viscous fluids?

A. Scraped surface sterilizer


Q. Name the process done in order to prevent the fat separation in milk?

A. Homogenization


Q. If the homogenization is carried out after the UHT process then it is termed as______?

A. Downstream homogenization


Q. The tendency of UHT milk to thicken and coagulate during storage is termed as ______?

A.  Age thickening


Q. Name the material generally used for sterilizing the packaging material in UHT process?

 A. Hydrogen peroxide


Q. The legal standards for buffalo milk prescribe that it should contain a minimum milk fat of ______?

A. 6%


Q. What are the legal standards for fat and SNF percentage of cow milk in some states?

A. 4 and 8.5


Q. What are the legal standards for fat and SNF percentage of toned milk in India?

A. 3 and 8.5


Q. In preparation of double toned milk, the required SNF content is met through the addition of ______?



Q. What are the legal standards for fat and SNF percentage of Double toned milk in India?

A.1.5 and 9


Q. What is the fat and SNF percentage present in Full cream milk?

A. 6 and 9


Q. What percentage of sugar added in flavored milk?

A. 7-9


Q. What is the commonly used stabilizer in flavored milk?

 A. Sodium alginate


Q. How much fat and SNF percent Legally recombined milk should contain?

A. 3 % fat and 8.5% SNF



Q. Name the product obtained after mixing of butter oil and milk powder and water?

A. Recombined milk


Q. What is the most effective system of reconstituting skim milk powder?

A. Tri blender or dry material liquid blending system


Q. What is the ratio of milk powder to water to be added in reconstituting whole milk?

A. 1:7 or 8


Q. Deposits of milk constituents form on the surface of equipment are collectively called_____?

A. dairy soil


Q. What is the chemical name for calgon?

A. Sodium hexametaphosphate


Q. _____reduces the hardness in water?

A. Sodium hexametaphosphate


Q. UV rays in the wavelength of _____Angstrom units are normally recommended for sanitization?

A. 25


Q. The deadly mustard gas may form, if ______sanitizers are used at low pH

A. Chlorine based


Q. In a ______CIP plant, fresh solutions are introduced during each operation.

A. Single pass


Q. A ______solution is an additional constituent in the CIP circuit

A. Non-foaming agent


Q. What is the full form of SIP?

A. Sterilization in place


Q. Hypochlorite solution of strength_____ppm is used in a CIP plant



Q. The means for protection, transporting and prolonged shelf life of a particular food item is termed as_____

A. Packaging


Q. The combination of two or more different films to increase the strength, grease resistance is termed as______?

A. Laminates


Q. The Fino packaging material consists of _____layers

A. 6


Q. The sterilization of aseptic packaging material is done by_____

A. H2O2


Q. Name the tests to assess raw milk?

A. platform tests


Q. COB test indicates the suitability of milk for?

 A. Pasteurization


Q. Alcohol test indicates the suitability of milk for?

A. Sterilization


Q. Alcohol-alizarine test provides ideas about ______ and _______.

A. Acidity, heat tolerance


Q.  A sediment value of 2 mg indicates _______quality of milk.

A. Very poor


Q. Microbial count is expressed in terms of _______ per ml.

A. Colony forming units


Q. Dye reduction time is _______proportional to microbial counts.

A. Not


Q. A disc number of 3.5-1.0 in the resazurin reduction test indicates ______quality of milk.

A. Doubtful


Q. The colour of resazurin initially changes to ______, owing to the formation of resofurin.

A. Pink


Q. The safety rider that defines limits and their monitoring to guards food against any food safety danger is______



Q. The Central Committee of Food Standards is appointed by the which Ministry?

A. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare


Q. Boric acid is added to milk as a______

 A. Preservative


Q. Rosalic acid test is used for the detection of addition of _______ to milk.

A. Neutralizer


Q.A red colour in the presence of resorcinol in acidic medium indicates the presence of _____in milk.

A. Sugar


Q. Blue colour in the presence of diphenylamine indicates the presence of ______added to milk.

A. Pond water


Q. Turmeric paper turns ______in the presence of boric acid.

A. Red


Q. Which milk producing species produces the maximum milk in India?

A. Buffalo


Q. Which test is used to determine the hygienic conditions prevailed in the farm during the procurement of milk?

A. Sediment test


Q. Which test to determine the bacterial load in milk?



Q. Gerber acid is made from _____ acid.

A. Sulphuric


Q. Gerber acid produces _______ in the butyrometer and helps to dissolve proteins.

A. Heat


Q. The lower the lactometer sinks in the milk, the ______is the SNF content in milk.

A. Lower


Q. The ______lactometer is calibrated at 27°C.



Q. What is used to check the acidity of milk at the reception dock.

A. 0.1 N NaOH





1. ICAR E-Course

2. NDRI Class Notes

3. Previous year questions papers



  1. Excellent content covering each and every concept of Market milk.
    Great work team SMAG


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