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Microbiology of Fluid Milk

Compiled by: - Mr. Abhay Pandey





Q: The production of clean, wholesome milk free from pathogens, maintenance of this condition from farm to the consumers is called:

A.Milk hygiene


Q:The safe foods should not contain



Q:The microorganism responsible for the spread of mastitis among herd is

A. Streptococcus agalactiae


Q:The predominant genera present in the interior of udder



Q:The most common spores found in milk are of

 A.Clostridium and Bacillus


Q:The microbial counts of air in sheds should not exceed

A.200 cfu/l


Q:Health of a milk yielding animal will be maintained by checking

 A.Routine vaccination,Infectious diseases and Mastitis in all teats


Q:The milker should never be allowed for milking the animal if he is suffering with

A.Stomach upset


Q:Ropiness in milk and milk products is generally caused by:

A.Alcaligenes viscosus


Q:Lactic acid bacteria are classified as:

A.Heterotrophic chemoorganotrophs


Q:Microorganism that can survive to varying extent of pasteurization temperature is



Q:Fruity flavour in dairy products is due the contamination of:

A.Pseudomonas fragi


Q:Lipolytic mold found in milk or its products is

A.Geotrichum candidum


Q:According to ShermanÂ’s classification streptococci are classified into __ groups



Q:The significant features of Streptococcus dysgalactiae is _____

A. CAMP test is negative, Belongs to Lancefield C and Causes bovine mastitis

Q:Lactococcus lactis spp lactis does not

A.Gas from citrate


Q:Lactococcus lactis spp lactis biovar diacetylactis produces ____ from citrate



Q:Homofermentative bacilli having therapeutic properties is

A.L. acidophilus


Q:A bacilli L. bulgaricus along with a cocci is used for the production of yogurt

A.Lactobacillus bulgaricus


Q: ________ is a flavour producer in the presence of lactic acid.



Q:Life-threatening nosocomial infections in humans, especially in the hospital environment are caused by

A.E. faecalis


Q:Water soluble fluorescent greenish-brown pigment known as ‘Pyoverdin’ is produced by:

A.Pseudomonas fluorescens


Q:_______ is an opportunistic pathogen that causes mastitis in dairy animals and human infection.

A.Pseudomonas aeruginosa


Q:________ is a pseudolactic acid bacteria

A. E. coli


Q:A natural inhabitant of intestine is:

A. E. coli


Q:Typhoid is caused by _______________

A.S. Typhi


Q:A bacterial species named from Greek meaning the ‘golden grape-cluster berry’

A.Staphylococcus aureus


Q:The genus having a pathogen known to cause serious diseases in mammals, i.e. tuberculosis, is:



Q:An organism that produce yellow to deep orange red carotenoid pigments and used for preparation of surface ripened Limburger type chesses, is:

Brevibacterium linens


Q:The strain used in cheese making to create CO2 bubbles that become ‘eyes’, round holes in the cheese is:

A.Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. Shermanii


Q:Produces ‘sweet curdling’ by coagulating milk at lower acidity

A.Bacillus cereus


Q:Late blowing condition in cheeses is caused by ______________

A.Clostridium tyrobutyricum


Q:The main target of milk sterilization

A.Bacillus stearothermophilus


Q:Used in the detection of antibiotics in milk

A.Bacillus stearothermophilus


Q:A Gram-positive anaerobic spore former



Q:The mould generally used for the preparation of blue veined cheeses is_____

A.Pencillium roqueforti


Q:Bacteriophages are the

A.Viruses that infect bacteria


Q:Aflatoxins are produced by the species of

A.Aspergillus spp


Q:All viruses contains

A. DNA or RNA and a protein coat


Q:Psychrotrophs are capable of growing:

A.At 7°C or below


Q:The two predominant psychrotrophic pathogens found in milk products are: A.Listeria monocytogenes and Yersinia enterocolitica


Q:The most frequently reported psychrotroph in raw milk.



Q:The suggested standards of psychrotrophs for satisfactory raw milk are:

A. Less than 104 cfu per ml -


Q:SPC of very good quality raw milk

A.Less than 2,00,000


Q:The DMC of good quality raw milk

A.Less than 5,00,000


Q:Thermoduric count of good quality milk

A.Less than 10,000


Q:Q-fever is caused by

A.Coxiella burnetii


Q:It is unlikely that _____ ever live in the udder of an animal.



Q:The main cause of spoilage of refrigerated raw milk samples is the production and secretion of _________ and various other thermo-resistant enzymes.



Q:The maximum hygienic parameter for fecal coliforms is



Q:At low-temperature storages only ___________ will grow that produces heat resistant enzymes that causes off flavour



Q:A decrease in temperature from _________ increases the keeping time of milk approximately the same number of days as did cooling from 35-5º C



Q:The test provides a rapid indication of the quality of liquid milk products and, at the same time, supplies a permanent record of the quality.



Q:The test is insensitive if the bacterial load is very less



Q: __________ count is taken at low temperature.



Q:Metabolic reactions caused by bacteria are difficult to measure in _____ quality products



Q:The electrical impedance in a culture medium remains fairly constant until a threshold of _____ cells per milliliter is reached, when major changes in impedance start to occur

A.10^6 – 10^7


Q:The oxidation-reduction potential of good quality milk while testing

A.+ 0.3 volts.


Q:The number of microbes at the time of decolorizing of methylene blue will be nearly

A.100 – 120 millions

Q:The dye reduction tests are of little value as an index of the bacterial content of

A.Refrigerated milk


Q:The Lovibond comparator is used in



Q:The bacteria which reduces resazurin more quickly than methylene blue

A.Lactococcus lactis ssp lactis


Q:The method which is useful for a rapid estimation of the total bacterial population (both live and dead cells) of a milk sample is:



Q:The indirect method for tracing the sources of contamination of milk is:



Q:In DMC, the milk smear is prepared on ___ square centimetre area.

A. One


Q:In DMC, the milk smear is stained with a special stain called

A.Newman's stain


Q:Milk for making smear in DMC test is taken with the help of a sterile

A.Breed’s pipette


Q:The test useful in the estimation of number of viable microorganisms in the given sample of milk



Q:The SPC of very good quality raw milk.

A.Not exceeding 2,00,000


Q:The purpose of making serial dilutions in this test is aimed to reduce the bacterial number to ____ level while adding to Petri dish

A.30 to 300


Q:The SPC of pasteurized milk



Q:The quantity of the previously melted and cooled sterilized standard plate count agar to each Petri dish is

A.12 to15 ml


Q:Coliforms are Gram's negative, oxidase negative, non-spore forming rods that can grow aerobically or facultative in presence of

A.Bile salts


Q:Coliforms are able to ferment______ with the production of acid and gas within 48 h. at 37°C.



Q:Presence of coliforms in milk or milk products indicates, possible contamination with



Q:Raw milk is graded/ accepted as criterion of satisfactory quality, based on the absence of coliforms in

A.1: 100 dilution


Q:In addition to the presence of faecal coliforms, the faecal streptococci and Clostridium perfringens are likely to exist in the gut of all warm-blooded animals, and their presence in milk will also indicate the source of faecal contamination. Hence, this coliform test is called as:

A. Presumptive coliform test


Q:Micro-organisms capable of growing at refrigeration temperature (7-10°C) are:



Q:The media used for the isolation and identification of the proteolytic micro-organisms of milk is:

A.Milk agar


Q:The plates for psychrotrophic count are incubated in a refrigerator at 7-10°C for

A.10 days


Q:The Plates for estimating thermophilic microorganisms are incubated at ___ for 24 to 48 h and colonies are counted.

A.45° C


Q:Proteolytic psychrotrophic colonies identification can be enhanced by flooding the plates with a solution of

A.1% Hydrochloric acid


Q:The media used for the enumeration of yeast and moulds from milk is

A.Potato Dextrose agar


Q:The pH of the medium used for enumeration of yeast and mould should be



Q:The most important source of contamination of milk with yeasts and moulds is



Q:An important mould in dairy industry is:

A.Penicillium roqueforti


Q:The main goals of all living forms are

A.Self perpetuation


Q:An interaction between two or more species, where species derive a mutual benefit



Q:The relationship between two species which interact but do not affect each other



Q:Production of antibiotic or inhibitory substances by one organism that affect the growth or survival of another organism can be called



Q:The relationship between microorganisms in which one organism benefits from the association but the other organism is not affected, denotes



Q:Micro-organisms that are able to survive the acidity already produced and in turn produce more acidity are:



Q:Micro-organism, which may establish itself on the surface of the coagulated milk and oxidize lactic acid to H2O and CO2:

A.Geotricum candidum


Q:When lactose is exhausted the micro-organisms that develop and decompose the casein are:

A.Proteolytic and spore formers


Q:The pH of uncared milk after prolonged storage is:

A.8 to 10


Q:The production of gas mainly CO2 and acid by certain micro-organisms in dairy products is responsible for a defect called:



Q:Micro-organism that ferment lactose of milk or cream into gas and acid and cause early gas production:

A.Escherichia coli,


Q:The organism which ferment lactose of milk or cream into gas and acid and cause late gas production:

A.Clostridiuym butyricum

Q:The lactose fermenting yeast is:

A.Candida pseudotrophicalis


Q:Ropy fermentation is brought about by the growth of ____ bacteria leading to change in consistency of the produce that forms threads of viscous masses when poured:

A.Alcaligenes viscosus


Q:The milk obtained from animals suffering from the udder infection is called:

A.Mastitic milk


Q:Natural inhabitant of udder and mastitis causing micro-organism is:

A.Streptococcus agalactiae


Q:Summer mastitis is caused by:

A.Corynebacterium pyogenes


Q:Environmental mastitis is caused by:

A.Streptococcus uberis


Q:In case of milk obtained from infected udder, the oxygen liberated with catalase on adding hydrogen peroxide will exceed:

A.2.5 ml


Q:CAMP test is very specific for the detection of mastitis caused by:

A.Streptococcus agalactiae


Q:In milk obtained from healthy udder the leucocytes count will be less than:

A.1.0 lakh/ ml


Q:Very long chains of micro-organisms in a smear of mastitic milk is indicative of:

A.Streptococcus agalactiae


Q:Rusty brown colour colonies in Hotis test is indicative of

A.Staphylococcus aureus


Q:Botulism poisoning is the severest of all the food poisonings, as it affects the _______ and is often extremely fatal:

A.Nervous system


Q:Unhygienic practices appear to be chiefly responsible for the eruption of outbreak:



Q:The “infantile diarrhea or Travellers’ diarrhea” characterized by watery diarrhea leading to dehydration & shock is caused by:

A.Invasive EEC


Q:The common food poisoning caused by canned foods is due to:

A. Clostridium perfringens


Q:Alatoxins are mycotoxins produced by:

A.Aepergillus flavus


Q:Milk borne tuberculosis is directly or indirectly related to consumption of raw milk from infected dairy herds and the causative microorganism is

A.Mycobacterium tuberculosis


Q:Corynebacterium diphtheriae is a causative microorganism mainly parasitic to man and is usually found in ________ of the infected or healthy carriers

A.Respiratory tract


Q:Most heat resistant pathogenic microorganism which can be used as indicator worganism for pasteurization

A.Coxiella burnetti


Q:Infectious hepatitis is caused by



Q1:Like many other diarrheal diseases, poliomyelitis occurs commonly i______ ,



Q:Specific naturally occurring anti microbial substances in milk

A. Immunoglobulins


Q:Non-specific naturally occurring anti microbial substances in milk



Q:The chief immunoglobulin of milk and confers passive immunity

A.Ig A


Q:Invading of pathogens by leucocytes for the protection of udder from mastitis



Q:The milk contains bifidus factor responsible for the dominance of a bacterium Bifidobacterium bifidus in infants

A.Human Milk


Q:Most pathogenic bacteria are classified as _____________ for their growth temperature requirements



Q:Bacteria require nitrogen for the synthesis of _______ :



Q:Through metabolism, pathogens often produce acids that interfere with their own growth, hence, ________ are added to media to control pH changes



Q:A microorganism that can grow at 4°C and 25°C both but grows best at 20°C would be classified as ______ :





1.      ICAR  E-course

2.       NDRI class notes

3.      Previous year question papers


