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Sensory Evaluation of milk and milk products

Compiled By: - Mr. Girish Rajpurohit

Q  The mingled experience deriving from the sensations of the skin in the mouth during and/or ingestion of a food beverage is called



Q ............... is a deep pressure sense - the result of stimuli pressing upon or displacing connective tissue without injury. It is felt through nerve fibers in muscles, tendons and joints.



Q  .............  is the sense perception of smell.



Q  The roof of the mouth is called



Q  The process of becoming aware of object, qualities, or relation by way of the sense organs.

A  Perception


Q  Lack or impairment of sensitivity to taste stimuli is called



Q  Total impression about a product as a result of combined smell (aroma), taste and after taste perception is called



Q  Loss of or change in sensitivity of a given stimulus as a result of continuous exposure to that stimulus is called



Q  Inability to smell either totally or particular substance is called



Q  Person who is evaluating the sensory quality of food. Its synonyms are Assessor, Judge, and Panelist.



Q  Any substance that incites or excites the receptors is called



Q  Fine hair-like appendages of the olfactory cells that are exited by the molecules of odoriferous substance are called



Q  The sense or perception of taste is known as



Q  It is the combination of attributes or characteristics of a product that have significance in determining the degree of acceptability of the product to a user.



Q  ............. are detectors, which respond to sensory stimuli..

 Sensory receptors


Q.............. Are tactile sense or skin-feel caused by displacement ofhairs or deformation of the skin without injury?



Q  Response of the tactile senses to the physical stimuli that results from contact between some part of the body and the foodcentre of the axis.



Q  ............ is the visual property of food, including size, shape,colour and conformation.



Q  ............. is a statistically determined point on the stimulus scale at which occurs a transition in a series of sensations or judgments.



Q  If modified paired comparison test is called

Duo-trio test


Q  How many samples are provided in a triangle test?



Q  .......... is a 9 point scale which is generally used for sensory evaluation.



Q  It is the lowest concentration which records a perceivable difference from the blank sample. It is also called as sensitivity threshold.

 A.  Absolute threshold


Q........ Is the concentration at which the specific taste can first be recognized and is higher than the sensitivity threshold?

A  Recognition threshold


Q ............... is that magnitude of stimulus above which there is no increase in perceived intensity of the quality of stimulus.

Terminal threshold



Q  Total of milk score card according to BIS is.....

A 100


Q  Temperature of milk that should be while sensory evaluation is........

Between 13 to 18 C, optimum is 15.5 C


Q  Paneer temperature kept for evaluation is....

15.5 to 20 C


Q  Malty flavour defect in milk is due to

Streptococcus lactis subsp. Maltigenes


Q  Fruity flavour defect in milk is due to......

Pseudomonas fragi


Q  Hydrolysis of fat due to lipase action results in......... Off flavour



Q  ............  is off-flavour in paneer is often encountered when smoky fire is used for boiling and simmering of milk.



Q     ............. is psychological response to the stimulus generated by the physical nature of the food being viewed.



Q  ......... is the innermost lining of the eye and contains light sensitive nerve tissue.



Q .......... are responsible for detecting Colour of any object



Q........ Are responsible for low intensity and/or Colourless vision.



Q  .......... is defined as the period between manufacture and retail purchase of a food product during which the product is satisfactory quality

Shelf life

Q. Optimal information can be obtained only through co-ordination of sensory measurements with.........

A  Instrumental methods


Q  Just noticeable difference means

The smallest detectable difference between two stimuli


Q  Merosmia is a condition analogous to

Colour blindness in which specific odours are not perceived.


Q  The ideal temperature and humidity of sensory evaluation laboratory should be

Temperature 20° C and RH of 62%.


Q  The ideal width of a typical booth for sensory evaluation laboratory is

75 to 80 cm


Q  The optimum illumination intensity of the booth should be

 70 to 80 foot candles (fc)


Q  The temperature of serving should be close to that

Recommended for particular dairy/food product


Q  ....... sense has relatively low numerical rating on the score card



Q  The length and weight of tongue is approximately

A 10 cm and 56g, respectively


Q  The pH of saliva varies between

6.35 to 6.85


Q  The reaction time for bitter taste is



Q  During sniffing, the percentage of respired air reaching the olfactory receptors is about



Q  The eye is most sensitive to differences in colour in the following region.

Green To Yellow


Q  The substance often used as standard for bitter taste is



Q  Umami is taste quality associated with substances that contain


Q. When more than one attribute of a sample is evaluated, the ratings will tend toinfluence each other. This effect is known as



Q  After enjoying a major meal, the minimum amount of time to wait for testing is

2 hours

Q.Most sensory analysts use the following for coding the product...

Three-digit random numbers

Q. After tasting butter and cheese the following is best suited for conditioning themouth.

Salt water


Q  For three products to be compared in a ranking test, the number of possiblepositions for three products are



Q  The attribute which usually has the highest weightage on score card is



Q  The full name of ADSA is

American Dairy Science Association


Q  Tests involving more than 3 stimuli are classified as

Multiple Sample Tests


The full form of QDA method is

A. Quantitative Descriptive Analysis


Q  In 9- point Hedonic scale, the responses converted to 8 numerical values forcomputational

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1.      NDRI class presentations and notes

2.      ICAR  E- course




