by: - Mr. Abhay Pandey
Q. Full
form of HACCP
A.Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
Q. What
is Quality control?
A.QC involves the set of activities used to ensure that the products and services meet requirements for quality.
is Quality Assurance(QA)?
A.QA is the set of activities which assures that the quality levels of the products and services are properly maintained and that the supplier and the customer quality issues are properly resolved
Q. Full
form of TQM?
A.Total Quality Management
Q. Full
form of TEI
A.Total Employee Involvement
A.Total Waste Elimination
Q. Full
form of CCP
A. Critical Control Point.
Q. Legal standard for food products in INDIA
products whose standards are given by AGMARK
A. Ghee and creamery butter
AGMARK and BIS are compulsory and voluntary?
standards are formulated by?
A.Central Committee for food standards (CCFS)
FSSAI sample is collected by
A. Food inspector
Q. In
how many parts food inspector divides the sample for further analysis
A.3(one public analyst and two parts to local health authority)
Q. In
how many days public analyst have to give report?
A.40 days of receipt of sample
Q. Preservative
used for preservation of sampleof milk?
A. Formalin (40%formaldehyde) @0.4%
Q. Preservative
used for preservation of sample of ice cream and mixed ice cream?
A. Formalin @0.6%
AGMARK stands for?
A.Agricultural marking
Q. Head
quater of AGMARK at?
A. Faridabad
Q. Branched
headquarter of AGMARK at
A. Nagpur
Q. According
to AGMARK ghee clarification temperature should not exceed ?
A.110 degree C
Q. CAC stands for?
A.Codex Alimentarius Commission
Q. Substance
which can react with another substance or an agent capable of producing a
chemical reaction is called?
Q. Solution
whose strength or conc. is known is called?
A. Standard solution
Q. What
is molarity?
A. Number of moles solute dissolved per litre of the solution.
M=mole of solute/volume of solution in litre
Q. Relation
between molarity and normality
A. N=M*x where is conversion factor
Q. Two
types of standard substances?
A. Primary and secondary
Q. What
are primary standard substances?
A. Those substances which can be obtained in pure and crystalline form as oxalic acid, sodium carbonate etc.
Q. What
are secondary standard substances?
A. Those reagents which cannot be obtained in a pure form as NaOH,KOH etc.
Q. Boiling
point of iso amyl alcohol
A.128-129 degree C
Q. At
27 degree C, density of iso amyl alcohol
Q. What
is Fehling A reagent?
Q. What
is Fehling B reagent?
A. Sodium potassiumtartrate/ Rochelle’s salt
Q. For
checking the adulteration sugar, reagent is used
A.0.5% resorcinol solution in 3N HCl
Q. On
adulteration test for sugar, colour of milk if it is adulterated with sugar
A. Red colour if positive and pale yellow and brown for blank sample
Q. Starch
is added to the milk to increase
A. SNF content
Q. For
detection of starch adulteration, reagent used
A.1%iodine solution
Q. Colour
of positive sample for detection of adulteration of starch
A. Blue
Q. For
detection of glucose adulteration, reagents used?
A. Braford’s reagent and phosphomolybdic acid
Q. Glucose
added to the milk to increase
A. SNF content of milk
Q. On
adulteration test for glucose, which colour will indicate presence of glucose
A. Blue
Q. Dextrin
is added to the milk to increase
A. SNF content of milk
Q. Reagent
used for detection of dextrin in milk
A.0.005 N iodine solution
Q. On
testing adulteration of dextrin in milk, which colour will indicate presence of
A. Brown colour
Q. Rosalic
acid test is used for detection of
A. Carbonate, bicarbonate and NaOH
Q. Which
colour will indicate the presence of carbonate and bicarbonate in milk?
A. Pink colour
Q. Alkalinity
of ash test is used to detect
A. Neutralizers in milk
Q. If
the volume of N/10 HCl exceeds,
it will indicate the presence of neutralizers in milk in alkalinity of ash test
Q. What
is formalin?
A.40% solution of formaldehyde in water
test used to detect?
A. Formalin in milk
Q. Leech
test used to detect?
A. Formaldehyde
Q. For
detection of H2O2 which reagent is used?
A.2% paraphenylene diamine solution
Q. Which
colour indicates presence of H2O2 in milk?
A. Blue
Q. Reagent
used for detection of urea in milk?
A.1.6%DMAB (para -dimethyl amino benzaldehyde)
Q. Which
colour will indicate the presence of urea in the milk in urea test?
A. Yellow colour
Q. Which
reagent is used with urease enzyme in testing of urea in milk?
A. Bromothymol blue
Q. Which
reagent is used to detect pond water in the milk?
Q. What
is present in pond water which reacts with diphenylamine?
A. Nitrates
Q. Which
colour will indicate the presence of pond water in milk
A. Blue
Nessler’s reagent is used to detect................. In milk
A. Ammonium compound
Q. What
is Nessler’s reagent?
A. Potassium tetraiodomercurate(II)
Whatindicates the presence of ammonium compound in milk?
A. Red brown colour
Q. For
detection of common salt in milk which reagent is used?
A. Silver nitrate
Q. Which
colour will appear when milk is adulterated with common salt and it is tested
with silver nitrate
A. Yellow colour indicates the presence of common salt and red colour indicates absence of sodium chloride
(clots on boiling) test is used to assess the suitability of milk for
A. Heat processing
Q. Test
which is used to assess the suitability of milk for sterilization
A.Alcohol test
Q. In
alcohol test what conc. of alcohol is used for cow/buffalo milk?
A.75%/68% respectively
Q. Conc of sulphuric acid used
in Gerbermethod
A.90% by weight
Q. Conc
of iso amyl alcohol used in Gerber method
Q. Water
bath temperature which is used in Gerber
A.65 _+2 degree C
Q. Rpm
of centrifuge used in Gerber method
A.1000-1200 rpm
Q. Graduations
present in milk butyrometer
Q. Graduations
present in cream butyrometer
Q. Temperature
of sample for Gerber method
A.30-40 degree C
Q. Specific
gravity of Gerber sulphuric acid
A.1.820 at 15.6 degree C
Q. Graduations
in butter butyrometer
Lactometer (BIS) calibrated at temperature
A.27 degree C
Q. Lane
eynon method is used to determine milk and milk products
A. Lactose
Q. Conservation
factor for protein estimation of milk and milk products by kjeldahl method
Q. Milko-tester
is to determine ...... in the milk
A. Fat % and SNF %
Q. Chelating agent used in milko-tester to
eliminate turbidity from milk
Q. Rancimat
is used to determine
A. Oxidative stability of milk and milk products
Q. Wavelength
of D line used in butyro refractometer
A.589.3 nm
Q. Butyro
refractometer works at the temperature
A. 20 degree C
Q. Flame
photometer is a device which is used to determine
A. Alkali earth metal present in milk
technique capable of determining the presence of metal at the conc
A. Micro gram/ml
Q. “used
by” date is used for
A. Highly perishable foods
Q. It
is not............ to sell food that has reached its “best before” date
A. Illegal
Q. Acaricides
are used to control
A. Mites
Q. Nematocides
are used to control
A. Worms and Nematocides
Q. Molludcicides
are used to control
A. Snails
is an example of
A. Organochlorine type of pesticide
Q. An
example of organophosphate type pesticide
A. Malathiol
Q. Carbaryl is an example of
A. Organocarbamate type of pesticides
Q. Example
of Amoniglycosides type of antibiotics
A.Apramycin, gentamicin, lincomycin, streptomycin, neomycin, amikamicin
Q. Example
of bita- lactam compound type antibiotics
A. Penicillin.cephalosporins
Q. Example
of macrolides type of antibiotics
A. Erythromycin,spiramycin,tylosin,roxithrocin
Q. Example
of tetracyclines type of antibiotics
A. Chlorotetracycline,oxytetracycline,rolitetetracycine
stands for
A.Acceptable daily intake
stands for
A.Maximum residue limit
Q. Metal
whose specific gravity is more than........ Called heavy metals
A.5g/cm cube
Q. Atomic wt of Arsenic
lethal dose of arsenic oxide is generally regarded as
A. 100mg
Q. Atomic
wt of Lead
Q. Atomic
wt of Hg
Q. The
most important mercury salt
Q. Atomic
wt of cadmium
Q. Which
micro-organism is used in reference test for the determination of antibiotic
residue in milk?
A.Bacillus steareothermophilus var.calidolactis
Q. Delvotest
was developed for which antibiotic
A.Bita- lactam type
micro-organism in delvotest
Q. Incubation
time and temperature in delvotest
A.64 degree C for 2.5 hours
Q. Negative
result in delvo test is indicated by
A. Colour change from purple for yellow
Sensitivity of delvo test for penicillin-G
1. E-Course Chemical Quality Assurance
2. NDRI class notes by Dr. Kamal Gandhi
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